As a company-wide measure for adherence to the law, legislation and internal company guidelines, compliance and conformity to regulations is a significant and important duty for all employees in the BEGO business group.

In our Corporate Principles and the Code of Conduct, we set out our standard for fair cooperation.

The key statements
The values of customer orientation, profitability, progress, partnership and responsibility formulated within the Corporate Principles are key elements of how we conduct ourselves. When dealing with customers, business partners, employees and owners, we always take care to act fairly and with integrity. 

We offer our clients the best results with system and product solutions and services that are safe, environmentally friendly, socially beneficial and economical. Our commitment to the ethical and legally correct exercise of business is inextricably linked to the way we behave in our business. That's why our corporate activity has always been based on the following principles: Togetherness, competence, fairness, transparency and reliability. 

You can read the BEGO Corporate Principles and Code of Conduct in full here.