• Hybrid production combines the advantages of the SLM-method (free-form design) with the advantages of the milling technique (precision fitting)
  • Free-form design including different retentions and supporting elements
  • Almost no follow-up work on milled inside surfaces of secondary construction
Product details
Wirobond® C+ secondary structures from hybrid production
Hybrid secondary crown
Secondary attachment
Attachment mounts for secondary crowns made of Wirobond® C+
  • TK1 friction element (MICROTEC*)
  • TK-Soft (Si Tec*)
  • TK-Soft Mini (Si Tec)
Retention per segment
Hybrid bar secondary structure including pin, hole, and/or bead retentions

* This symbol is a commercial designation/registered trademark of a company which is not part of the BEGO company group.

Pictures and illustrations are exemplary. Colors, symbols, design, and information on the labels and/or packaging shown may differ from reality.