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This guideline, which is aimed at practicing dentists, staff members in leading positions and practice founders, describes the modern, patient-oriented service practice. It conveys ideas and tips on how to optimise practice processes.

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This book contains:

  • Ideas about strategic positioning and structural practice build-up
  • Prevention-oriented concepts and valuable impulses for change
  • Creative suggestions on marketing strategies
  • Practical work aids for organisation and time management
  • Vital information on patient consultation
  • Helpful tips on friction-free staff leadership
  • New ways to increase motivation and commitment
  • Sample texts for individual patient information
  • Supplementary checklists and overviews

Success is not based on dental therapies alone. A suitable marketing strategy, a structured approach as well as an economic perspective all help in holding one’s ground in a difficult trade environment and to strengthen the practice’s position long term. Only those who detect developments in time, accept changes and continuously expand their competence will be successful.

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Title: Patient-focused Dentistry – Practice Marketing and Management

Author: Henning Wulfes

Content: 320 pages, more than 600 illustrations

Languages: DE, EN, ES, RU

Publication date: January 2015

Special price: € 19,90

ISBN: 978-3-9809111-4-6

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„Finally an actual textbook for the whole practice team – and in four languages! You can feel the love for detail and the quality of the choice of illustrations, contents and production – a completely successful book which is a gain for every practice team, dentist, dental technicians or assistance team. It is clearly structured, easy to understand, with great illustrations and covers all important and essential aspects of a dental practice!“

Rubina Ordemann, Head of the Institute of Further Education, Dental Association Bremen (Germany)

„I do not know any other book so full of information regarding modern practice leadership. It is a seemingly inexhaustible fund of inspiration, a firework of already known but also innovative ideas, filled with all technical options that are available today and in the future. In other words, you can always consult this book to get new impulses and to implement these. I would not be surprised if this book became a standard work that shouldn’t be missing in any practice.“

Dr. Gerhard Hippmann, Linz (Austria)

„This book describes all important matters connected to modern dental practices in a detailed but also clear and concise way. It serves as a checklist and orientation for modern practices. In some areas it even gets that deep into detail that it becomes a great reference manual. A really valuable book!”

Prof. Dr. Heiner Weber, University of Tübingen (Germany)

„The book is pleasant to look at and has a comfortable size; the title shows a great picture made by a German artist. Many illustrations inside the book with fresh and nice colours make it pleasant to look at. The single chapters are structured in a logical, simple and clear way. It is easy to read and comprehensible. A successful work!”

Dr. med. dent. Volker Thole, Schwanewede (Germany)

„It is a very successful and complex work treating all aspects of dentistry. The focus on “patient-focused dentistry” can clearly be seen and is supported by great illustrations.“

Erika Hötte, Vocational School for Health Bremen (Germany)

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