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Press – by solutions

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PS TiB for BEGO Semados® implants

|   Implantology solutions – News

After providing CAD/CAM libraries for many years for individual prosthetics with full abutments, adhesive abutments with an additional gingival height are now available for BEGO Semados® implants.

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The BEGO group belongs to the TOP 50 most innovative German mid-sized companies 2017, honored i. a. for the 3D printing system Varseo S.

|   3D printing – Press

On behalf of the business magazine WirtschaftsWoche, the management consultancy Munich Strategy Group (MSG) awarded the TOP 50 most innovative German mid-sized companies. This year BEGO is one of the lucky winners.

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Exploded view of a BEGO Semados® restoration

|   Implants-Press-Only

BEGO Implant Systems will be changing its technician screws from a slot and hexagonal screw head to a single hexagonal screw head from the first quarter of 2018.

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PS PMB (TI-Form CAD/CAM Fräsrohling) BEGO®

|   Implants-News-Only

After many years of BEGO Medical’s CAD/CAM centralized custom-made prosthesis production , it is now possible to combine BEGO Semados® implant treatment with TI-Forms.

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|   Implantology solutions – Press

The YouTube channel run by Bremen implant manufacturer BEGO Implant Systems has been running for eighteen months now, and is enjoying growing popularity.

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The family-owned company mourns senior partner and former managing director of BEGO, Joachim Weiss

|   BEGO – Press

The workforce of the German family-owned company takes farewell with a heavy heart to their highly esteemed senior director Joachim Weiss, who passed away on the 15th of May, 2017 at the age of 92 after a brief serious illness. The passionate entrepreneur decisively shaped the traditional company in…

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Plastic surgery tray BEGO Semados® S-Line

|   Implantology solutions – News

Optimised for safe handling based on current hygiene standards

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4th BEGO Implant Systems Global Conference in Dubai

|   Implantology solutions – News

On 9 and 10 February 2018, implant dentists from around the world will meet at the 4th BEGO Implant Systems Global Conference in Intercontinental Festival City in Dubai.

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The new BEGO 3D printer Varseo S was awarded with the “BEST OF” seal of the INDUSTRIEPREIS 2017.

|   3D printing – Press

Just like its precursor Varseo, the new 3D printer BEGO Varseo S joined the selected circle of advanced solutions of the German industry. Already in 2015 and 2016, the Varseo 3D printing system from the dental specialist was awarded with the "Best Of" seal of the INDUSTRIEPREIS in the category…

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OCP transfer cap and CAD Positioner

|   Implants-Press-Only

The One Care Package (OCP) treatment concept enables efficient and predictable prosthetic restorations based on the concept of a pack that contains all the necessary prosthetic components needed for an implant treatment. The set approach eliminates several steps from the conventional treatment…

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